Publications by Krehl, Ludolf, 1825‒1901 8

in Miscellaneous Collections of Oriental Coins 2 / Inventories and Studies collected an reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in Collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Mazen Amawi

Article Printed

in Studies in Oriental coins by Frédéric Soret / Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Mazen Amawi

Article Printed

in Umayyad and ‛Abbāsid Coins 2 / Studies collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in Collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Mazen Amawi

Article Printed

Leipzig : Serig'sche Buchhandlung, 1863

Monograph Printed

in Miscellaneous Collections of Oriental Coins 2 / Inventories and Studies collected an reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in Collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Mazen Amawi

Article Printed

Amsterdam : Oriental press, 1972

Monograph Printed

in Coins and Coinage of Palestine, Syria and Iraq / Studies collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in Collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Mazen Amawi

Article Printed

كتاب الجامع الصحيح

لأبي عبد الله محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري, وقد اعتنى بتصحيحه وطبعه لودلف قرهل

ليدن : بريل ; 1862

Early work Printed