Works by al-Bāǧūrī, Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad, 1783‒1859 as author 21

al-Isʿād bi-šarḥ qaṣīda Bānat Suʿād

Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 2

Tuḥfat al-bašar ʿalā mawlid Ibn Ḥaǧar

Single work Early work
1225 Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

al-Tuḥfa al-ḫayriyya ʿalā al-Fawāʾid al-šanšūriyya

Single work Early work
1236 Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

Tuḥfat al-murīd ʿalā Ǧawharat al-tawḥīd

Single work Early work
Ṣafar 1234 Hegirian

Editions 9 Translations 2

Relationships with other works 4

Taḥqīq al-maqām ʿalā Kifāyat al-ʿawāmm fī ʿilm al-kalām

الكتاب عبارة عن حاشية قام بها المؤلف على الرسالة المسماة "كفاية العوام فيما يجب عليهم من علم الكلام" للشيخ محمد الفضالي. وقد ذكر المؤلف في مقدمة الكتاب أنه قام بهذه الحاشية بناءًا على طلب أستاذه وشيخه محمد الفضالي. وكان الشيخ الفضالي قد ألف هذه الرسالة ناحيًا في ذلك نحو العلامة محمد بن يوسف السنوسي في "تقرير البراهين"، غير أنه أتى بالدليل بجانب المدلول، وزاده توضيحا لعلمه بقصور بعض الطلبة عن الفهم، فكانت رسالة سهلة ومفيدة، تناول فيها ما يجب معرفته على كل مسلمٍ مكلفٍ، ذكرًا كان أم أُنثى، من صفات الله تعالى، وما يجب وما يستحيل وما يجوز في حقة سبحانه وتعالى. فبدأ بالصفات الواجبة له تعالى، فذكر صفة الوجود والقدم والبقاء والمخالفة للحوادث والقيام بالنفس والوحدانية. ثم ذكر صفات المعاني، وهي سبع: القدرة ، والإرادة ، والعلم ، والحياة ، والسمع ، والبصر، والكلام. ثم بين ما يستحيل في حقه تعالى وهي أضداد هذه الصفات. وفى النهاية بين ما يجوز في حقه تعالى من الصفات كإرسال الرسل، الخ.

Single work Early work
29 Ramaḍān 1223 Hegirian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 1

Ḥāšiya ʿalā al-Risāla al-samarqandiyya

Single work Early work
Šaʿbān 1226 Hegirian

Editions 3

Relationships with other works 2

Ḥāšiya ʿalā Risālat Muḥammad al-Faḍālī fī lā ilah illā Allāh

Single work Monograph
before 1277 Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

Ḥāšiya ʿalā šarḥ Ibn Qāsim al-Ġazzī ʿalā matn Abī Šuǧāʿ

Single work Early work
Ǧumādā II 1258 Hegirian

Editions 5

Relationships with other works 1

Ḥāšiya ʿalā Šarḥ al-ʿAqāʾid al-nasafiyya

A book on knowledge of divine unity and Islamic doctrine, in which the author undertakes a commentary on "the explanation of Nasafiyya doctrines" by the Imam sa` d al-dīn al-taftāzānī who undertook an explanation of the book "the Nasafiyya doctrines" by Imam Nasafi. He would arrive at this commentary in the commentator's introduction, and in the discussion of principles and preparation, and the research on its viewpoint and intellectual reasoning. He researched theology on the occurrence of the world, and discussions about the nature of existence and exalted attributes, and some of the attributes' nuances, and other investigations in theology . The approach of the author in this commentary explained the circular terminologies in this work which never revealed the explicator, with attention to the substitution of pronouns which might delude transmission, editing the position of favorability in many issues. He edited some attributions to prophetic companions and identified some luminaries, and lastly, exemplified some important matters--and evidence about them which had been silenced.

Single work Early work
13ʳᵈ century Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

Ḥāshiya ʿalā matn al-Burda fī madḥ Rasūl Allāh

Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 3

Ḥāšiya ʿalā matn al-Sullam al-munawraq

Single work Early work
Ǧumādā I 1226 Hegirian

Editions 5

Relationships with other works 2

Ḥāshiyat alá al-Muqaddimah al-Sanūsīyah

Single work Monograph
Ramaḍān 1227 Hegirian

Editions 9

Relationships with other works 5

Ḥāšiya ʿalā mawlid Abī al-Barakāt Aḥmad al-Dardīr

Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Risāla fī al-ʿaqīda

Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 2

Risāla fī ʿilm al-ʿaqāʾid

Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Fatḥ al-Ḫabīr al-Laṭīf ʿalā matn al-Tarṣīf fī ʿilm al-taṣrīf

Single work Early work
Ramaḍān 1227 Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

Fatḥ Rabb al-bariyya ʿalā al-Durra al-bahiyya naẓm al-Āǧurrūmiyya

Single work Early work
before 1860 Gregorian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 1

Fatḥ al-qarīb al-majīd bi-sharḥ bidāyat al-murīd fī ʻilm al-tawḥīd

Single work Early work
1224 Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1


Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Minaḥ al-Fattāḥ ʿalā ḍawʾ al-miṣbāḥ fī aḥkām al-nikāḥ

Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

al-Mawāhib al-laduniyya ʿalā al-Šamāʾil al-muḥammadiyya

Single work Early work
19ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 3

Relationships with other works 1