شرح القصائد التسع المشهورات

شرح القصائد السبع المشهورات المعروفات بالمعلقات، وقد أضاف إليهما النحاس قصيدتي اللأعشى والنابغة لشاعرية وتقدم أصحابها.

Single work Early work
before 338 Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 13

Šarḥ al-sabʿ al-ṭiwāl

Ibn Kaysān explains the seven muʿallaqat of Arabic Poetry. He accomplishes his commentary in two consecutive steps: first, he mentions the meaning of the vocabulary of each line, then, he explains the meaning of each line of the poem as a whole.

Single work Early work
3ʳᵈ century Hegirian

Editions 6

Relationships with other works 9

Šarḥ al-muʿallaqāt al-sabʿ

Single work Early work
5ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 9 Translations 1

Relationships with other works 8

نهاية الأرب من شرح معلقات العرب

Single work Early work
1906 Gregorian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 10